
Saturday, April 30, 2011

District Govenor Dana Zody stops by for a visit..

At the April 19th meeting of the Vermilion Lions Club we were honored to have District Governor Dana Zody and his wife Julianne stop and share some of the Lions District 13B happenings with the club. They had many great stories to share about their trip to Australia and of other Lions community efforts such as those to aid Japan.

On a fun note Govenor Dana is also a well known portrayer of Santa during the Holiday Season.

 If you enjoy an evening out with a great group of community minded folks as well as very informative speakers, give Vermilion Lions Club a try. You won't be disappointed, we have a way to serve your community that meets any schedule. Partcipate as much or as little are you are able.

We serve, and so can you!

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