
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A BIG 'Thank you' to our beloved Vermilion Community!

The last two weeks have been very busy ones for your local Vermilion Lions Club.
On Saturday March 12th we had our 60th anniversary celebration with many visiting guests and dignitarys joining the fun. Some VIPs of note attending the 60th Anniversary were District Governor Dana Zody joined by his wife Julianne, and guest speaker Past International Director Steve Sherer and his wife Mary Ellen along with the son of founding member Will Pretzer, Don Pretzer who was on hand to pick up an award recognizing his fathers 60 years of outstanding service to the community.

Steve Sherer
Then on Saturday the 19th the Vermilion Lions Club held its annual Reverse Raffle to raise funds that benefit the community. We are extremely grateful to all who attended this great event and for the communities ongoing support of the club. We are proud to service such a caring community.  
Tom and Janet Ruh with the Lions Centerpiece
Lions Setup Crew

Dana Zody presents Don Pretzer accepts an award for founder Will Pretzer
Double Docs keep things strait at the Reverse Raffle
VLC President Joe McDonald with Dana & Julianne Zody

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